104 results - showing 61 - 72
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Consumers love - and live on - their smartphones, tablets and laptops. A cascade of new devices pours endlessly into the market, promising even better communication, non-stop entertainment and instant information. ...
One of Us plays like a documentary thriller about individuals trying to break free of a closed society. New York’s Hasidim are one of the most insular communities in North America. Haunted...
Who is the man behind the most highly controversial, intensely debated topics in modern medicine? In THE PATHOLOGICAL OPTIMIST, director Miranda Bailey brings us a character study of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, one...
Today, many Americans share unease about our relationship to Creation. Our children, known as “digital natives” – and we – seem to spend less time outside and more time with indoor virtual...
Between Earth and Sky examines climate change through the lens of impacts to native Alaskans, receding glaciers, and arctic soil. The island of Shishmaref has been home to the Inupiaq people for...
PGS – Intuition is your Personal Guidance System is a 90 minute movie detailing one man’s search for a voice that saved his life. Bill Bennett heard a voice while driving early...
Surviving Peace asks Israelis and Palestinians - extremely resourceful and innovative peoples in every other field of endeavor - why they suffer from stagnation of thinking, lack of imagination and innovation when...
While California recovers from the worst drought in state history, a myriad of impacts resulting from climate change threaten Southern California’s imported water supply. As a shadow of drought hangs over the...
With unfettered access, Director and Director of Photography David Byars gives a detailed, on-the-ground account of the 2016 standoff between protesters occupying Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and federal authorities. After the...
Narrated by renowned scientist Dr. Sylvia Earle, this documentary tells the larger natural history story of the world’s rarest sea turtle, the Kemp’s Ridley, and how humans pushed a healthy population to the...
Chef Eduardo Garcia was charged with 2,400 volts of electricity in a freak accident while hiking in the remote back country in Montana. He lost an arm, ribs, muscle mass, and nearly...
A triumphant documentary about resistance, UNFRACTURED follows biologist and mother Sandra Steingraber as she reinvents herself as an activist. Determined to win a ban on fracking in New York State, Sandra decides...
104 results - showing 61 - 72
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